The school follows the 2014 National Curriculum. Whilst ensuring that our children are both literate and numerate, our careful planning ensures that we offer a broad and balanced curriculum, which will enable us to develop all aspects of learning.

In the Foundation Stage (Reception) the curriculum is taught through six broad areas of learning which together form the Early Learning Goals. The areas are mathematics, communication, language and literacy, personal and social education, physical development, creative development and knowledge and understanding of the World. They are taught both indoors and outdoors, through a structured approach that allows many opportunities to learn through experience. Children will be taught individually, in groups and as part of a whole class.  Active involvement is essential and we encourage children to reflect upon their learning, share ideas and become increasingly independent, by setting their own targets for development.  

Our Curriculum Offer can be read below in a over view guide for parents.  If you wish to discuss any aspects of our Curriculum offer or require further information, please do contact Miss Barker at school. 



Please use the subject overview tabs on this page for information on individual subjects